Chuck-A-Puck Fundraising

The Calumet Wolverines Senior “A” Hockey Club is proud to partner with local non-profit organizations to help them raise money by hosting Chuck-A-Puck at Wolverines home games. Below is more information for organizations interested in helping.
$0 – There is no cost for the organization.Expectations
- At least two volunteers will show up to the game 45 minutes prior to the start to sell pucks.
- Pucks are $2 each, 3 pucks for $5 or 8 pucks for $10.
- When a puck is sold the buy takes the puck and writes their name on the provided sign-up sheet with the corresponding number of puck they picked up.
- Volunteers will sell pucks until there is five minutes left in the second period. At that time, they’ll bring the remaining pucks and the sign-up sheet to the scoring table.
- At the end of the period, Chuck-A-Puck will take place. If possible, assistance picking up all the pucks would be greatly appreciated, but the players will be available to help with that and assistance is not required.
- When the winner is announced, the winner, volunteer(s) from the organization and a player, or players, from the team will pose for a photo together that will be used on social media.
- Organizations can expect to make anywhere between $25 and $250 by taking part in this.
- The organization is also invited to bring promotional materials that will help people at the game learn more about their organization.
Sign Up
To sign-up for an upcoming game, please contact Michael H. Babcock. He can be reached via e-mail at or via cell phone (text or voice) at 612-747-9686.Promotion
If signed up for at least a week ahead of time, the Wolverines will do their best to promote the non-profit organization with a news article, social media posts, mention in their e-mail newsletter, and listing on website. In-game promotion over the loudspeaker will take place. Not all of that is guaranteed, but the team will put their best effort in.The Wolverines would also love to see the non-profit organization assist in promoting the fundraiser through their social media outlets. Assistance can be provided if desired.
What is Chuck-A-Puck?
Chuck-A-Puck takes place between the second and third periods. Fans that purchase pucks from the non-profit organization throw their pucks toward the center dot when instructed, and the fan who lands their puck closest to the dot wins half of the money. The other half goes to the partner organization. Wolverines players will be assisting with cleaning the pucks up after Chuck-A-Puck has been completed.Other Notes
- The Wolverines cannot guarantee any participation, but from past experience this has been profitable for organizations.
- The 2017-18 season is the Wolverines first time publically seeking partners for this, so please have patience as we learn the best ways to do this.
- The Wolverines reserve the right to cancel, reschedule or deny partnership with the non-profit organization at any time for any reason.
- Please contact someone from the Wolverines Board of Directors if you have any questions or concerns about the Wolverines Chuck-A-Puck program.